outlined in our last two posts, our algorithm has “learned” how to simulate the
behavioural traits of over 2 million voters in Toronto. This allows us to turn
their behavioural “dials” and see what happens.
demonstrate, we’ll simulate three scenarios:
- The “likeability” of the Liberal Party falls by 10% from the baseline (i.e., continues to fall);
- The Conservative Party announces a policy stance regarding climate change much more aligned with the other parties; and
- People don’t vote strategically and no longer consider the probability of each candidate winning in their riding (i.e., they are free to vote for whomever they align with and like the most, somewhat as if proportional representation were a part of our voting system).
examine each scenario separately:
1 – If Liberal “likeability” fell
this scenario, the “likeability” scores for the Liberals in each riding falls
by 10% (the amount varies by riding). This could come from a new scandal (or increased
salience and impact of previous ones).
we see in this scenario is a nearly seven point drop in Liberal support across
Toronto, about half of which would be picked up by the NDP. This would be
particularly felt in certain ridings that are already less aligned on policy
where changes in “likeability” have a greater impact. The Libs would only
safely hold 13/25 seats, instead of 23/25.
a seat perspective, the NDP would pick up another seat (for a total of three)
in at least 80% of our simulations – namely York South-Weston. (It would also
put four – Beaches-East York, Davenport, Spadina-Fort York, and University-Rosedale
– into serious play.) Similarly, the Conservatives would pick up two seats in
at least 80% of our simulations – namely Eglinton-Lawrence and York Centre (and
put Don Valley North, Etobicoke Centre, and Willowdale into serious play).
is a great example of how changing non-linear systems can produce results that
are not linear (meaning they cannot be easily predicted by polls or
2 – If Conservatives undifferentiated themselves on climate change
this scenario, the Conservatives announce a change to their policy position on
a major issue, specifically climate change. The salience of this change would
be immediate (this can also be changed, but for simplicity we won’t do so here).
It may seem counterintuitive, but it appears that the Conservatives, by giving
up a differentiating factor, would actually lose voters. Specifically, in
this scenario, no seats change hands, but the Conservatives actually give up about
three points to the Greens.
work this through, imagine a voter who may like another party more, but chooses
to vote Conservative specifically because their positions on climate change
align. But if the party moved to align its climate change policy with other
parties, that voter may decide that there is no longer a compelling enough
reason to vote Conservative. If there are more of these voters than voters the
party would pick up by changing this one policy (e.g., because there are enough
other policies that still dissuade voters from shifting to the Conservatives),
then the Conservatives become worse off.
intuition may be for the defecting Conservative voters discussed above to go
Liberal instead (and some do), but in fact, once policies look more alike,
“likeability” can take over, and the Greens do better there than the Liberals.
is a great example of how the emergent properties of a changing system cannot
be seen by other types of models.
3 – Proportional Representations
analysis done by P.J. Fournier (of 338Canada)
for Macleans
Magazine used 338Canada’s existing poll aggregations to estimate how many
seats each party would win across Canada if (at least one form of) proportional
representation was in place for the current federal election. It is an
interesting thought experiment and allows for a discussion of the value of changing
our electoral practice.
supportive as we are of such analysis, this is an area of analysis perfectly
set up for agent-based modeling. That’s because Fournier’s analysis assumes no
change in voting behavior (as far as we can tell), whereas ABM can relax that
assumption and see how the algorithm evolves.
do so, we have our voters ignore the winning probabilities of each candidate
and simply pick who they would want to (including their “likeability”).
surprisingly, the simulations show that the Liberals would lose significant
support in Toronto (and likely elsewhere). They would drop to third place,
behind the Conservatives (first place) and the Greens (second place).
would transform into four-party city: depending on the form of proportional
representation chosen, the city would have 9-12 Conservative seats, 4-7 Green
seats, 2-5 Liberal seats, and 2-3 NDP seats.
suggests that most Liberal voters in Toronto are supportive only to avoid their
third or fourth choice from winning. This ties in with the finding that
Liberals are not well “liked” (i.e., outside of their policies), and might also
suggest why the Liberals back-tracked on electoral reform – though such
conjecture is outside our analytical scope. Nonetheless, it does support the
idea that the Greens are not taken seriously because voters sense that the
Greens are not taken seriously by other voters.
More demonstrations are possible
these three scenarios showcase how agent-based modeling can be used to see the
emergent outcomes of various electoral landscapes. Many more simulations could
be run, and we welcome ideas for things that would be interesting to the
#cdnpoli community.
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